
John Cahoon (1726-1783)

Will abstracts of John Cahoon of Craven County, North Carolina, and Olilia Rhymer/Rhimer of Jones County show that John was married to Appellonia/Apollonia Rhymer/Rhimer. The North Carolina Early Census Index places John in Onslow County in 1769 and in 1770, and a document of taxable property in 1779 shows that John Cahoon owned 75 acres in District One of Jones County, paying 901 pounds in property taxes that year.

On January 16, 1780, John executed the will of his mother-in-law, Olilia Rhymer/Rhimer, which named her daughter, Appellonia, and these grandchildren: Frederick Shilling, George Shilling, Stephen Wallis, Frederick Wallis, Benjamin Cahoon, Daniel Cahoon, Mary Wallis and Anna Wallis.

John's own will, recorded in Jones County, named his sons Dudley, Jonothan, Benjamin and Daniel; his daughters Rachel Simson, Susannah and Sarah; his wife Appolonia; his son-in-law Stephen Wallis; and daughters-in-law Mary and Anne Wallis.

The first federal census in 1790 shows a "John Cohun" -- the same misspelling as is given for his son Dudley's name in the same document -- in Craven County, with four "free white" males (two above age sixteen, including himself, and two under age sixteen) and two "free white" females in the home.

[Please email corrections, clarifications or additional information to CarolinaCahoons AT gmail DOT com]

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